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Taxis en Los Cabos Aeropuerto

cabo san lucas airport transportation

Something you should know about transportation from Cabo airport to any hotel is that there are 4 areas, which are related to the distance from the airport to them, the fourth is 50 minutes away. This is usually important if your hotel is located within zone 4 and you hire collective transportation, it makes your trip last up to an hour and a half.

When it is convenient to ask for private transportation and when collective ?, If your hotel is one of the first in Zone 1, being on a shared trip will not affect you much since it would be one of the first stops your Hotel, however if your hotel is in Zone 3 or Zone 4 asking for private transportation is the best.

How much difference in price there is between private and shared, regularly the collective transport is in 14 usd per person and the private one depends on the area, but to exemplify I will use the zone 1, which is 55 usd, if you travel alone or as a couple the trip shared would be only 28 usd, if you travel with a family of four, it would be almost the same price, in fact if you travel in a group of 5 people, private transport will always be cheaper for you.

Cabo Airport is located on the outskirts of San José del Cabo, a traditional Mexican city, with narrow streets and colonial architecture, on the other hand, Cabo San Lucas is another vibrant nightlife city that is 32 km from San José From the Cape, These two cities are connected by a tourist corridor overlooking the sea.

Taking a taxi at the Cabo airport can be the best solution for transportation, especially if you do not know the area, pre-contracting it with us saves you up to 40% of the regular price, ground transportation is our specialty.

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